In my last post , I played a bit with the wireless relays to turn on a light. In this post I will show how to use LDR to detect when to turn on the light depending on the ambient light. Lets dive into the code quickly #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 int LIGHT_PIN = 7; int SLEEP_TIME = 100; int LDR_PIN = 3; int LDR_THRESHOLD_FOR_DARK = 350; int MAX_COUNT_BEFORE_TOGGLE = 10; int isLightOn = FALSE; int toggleCount = 0; void setup() { turnOffDevice(LIGHT_PIN); digitalWrite(LIGHT_PIN, LOW); Serial.begin(115200); } void turnOffDevice(int pin) { pinMode(pin, INPUT); } void turnOnDevice(int pin) { pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); } void toggleLight() { if (isLightOn) { turnOffDevice(LIGHT_PIN); isLightOn = FALSE; } else { turnOnDevice(LIGHT_PIN); isLightOn = TRUE; } } void toggleLightIfNecessary(int input, int t...
Life is complex, it has a real part and an imaginary part.